Running opportunistic Networking Environment Simulator  using Docker

Running opportunistic Networking Environment Simulator using Docker

ONE simulator can be used to Simulate Delay Tolerant Networks . First clone the repository in the preferred directory using

git clone

Enter the-one directory using

cd the-one

Now we will write a Dockerfile in this directory to build an image

To build the image run the following command :

docker build -t theoneimage1 .

here we have specified the name of our image as theoneimage1. Now we will proceed to run our container based on this image .

docker run --name theoneconatainer -it theoneimage1

We will get the following output:


Till here we have successfully run the simulator inside the docker container , but how should we copy the reports that were generated by the simulator inside the container to our local machine ?

For that we will use the cp command provided by docker.

docker cp theoneconatainer:/app src/reports

Now since the app folder (which we had created in our container using WORKDIR command in Dockerfile) has been copied to our reports folder in the project . Where we could easily find our reports for analysis.

Basic docker commands and their meaning

WORKDIR - Set the working directory in the container

CMD - Define the command to run the application
Example - CMD ["npm", "start"]

COPY - Copy the rest of the application code to the container
Example - COPY . .

RUN - Install dependencies or compile the code
Example - RUN npm install

For logging into Docker Hub:

docker login
docker push <your_docker_hub_username>/<your_docker_hub_repo>

To check the status of docker containers use:

sudo docker ps

To stop a docker container

sudo docker stop <your_container_name>

docker tag command:

docker tag myapp:latest myrepository/myapp:v1.0
  • myapp:latest is the source image with the tag "latest."

  • myrepository/myapp:v1.0 is the target image with the tag "v1.0."

After running this command, the Docker image myrepository/myapp:v1.0 will be a new tag for the same image as myapp:latest. This is useful for versioning your images, providing meaningful names, or preparing images for deployment to a registry. After which we could use the following command:

docker push myrepository/myapp:v1.0